Add to Title



If  is checked, the title of the plot type is added to the plot title. The title added is normally the name of the plot type. E.g. the plot type Time Data gets “Time Data” as title. But the title may in some cases depend on the plot type settings. E.g. if the plot type is Room ac. Parameters and RT-60 Reverberation Time (T30) is selected as parameter type, the title is as shown below



If  is checked, the title of the measurement that is plotted is added to the last part of the plot title as shown above. Note that this only works for files that has a title in the header (*.wmb and *.wav-files generated using WinMLS). When saving a measurement, you can type the title.


Note: In order to actually display the title in the plot, Plot->Layout->Title must be checked.


Add to Axis Titles

Add to Footer