Prepare a wizard document

First you have to organize the task you are going to “wizardize” into steps. If you plan for more than one wizard step, we recommend that you first write a document including what the pictures look like.

Each chapter should be a wizard step and must contain




Important! The picture must be small to fit in the wizard window, the maximum is 220 pixels wide and 230 pixels high. The picture must be in one of the supported picture formats, that is jpg, gif, emf, wmf, bmp, pcx or tee. The png format is currently not supported.


We recommend that your picture file name start with the name of the wizard and then the name of the wizard step, for example Loudspeaker_Impedance_Theory.gif. where Loudspeker_Impedance is the name of the wizard and Theory is the name of the wizard step.


Each wizard step may contain further documentation that can be opened if the  button is clicked as shown below.



You may assign a section in the help file to this button or alternatively a document either locally on the hard disk or from the web. This allows you to integrate documentation that is too complex to be displayed in the wizard.